Page 19 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 19

                                                                 Writing Time
         have to / don’t have to

                                                                 7  Look at the picture. Describe what is
         Wyrażenia have to używamy, aby powiedzieć,
         że ktoś musi coś zrobić.                                   happening. Use the words from the box
                                                                    and the present continuous.

         I have to get up early to catch the train.                    old  man  bench  fountain  chase
         She has to feed her pet.                                            pigeons   bike  helmet

         Wyrażenia don't have to używamy, aby
         powiedzieć, że ktoś nie musi czegoś zrobić.

         We don’t have to buy any food, we’ve got

         lots at home.


         Po have to zawsze występuje czasownik
         w formie podstawowej.

                                                                  It’s a beautiful sunny day. There are
         I have to go now. Dad is waiting for me.
                                                                  some people in the park and ...
         Does he have to wear a uniform at school?

         You don’t have to shout.
                                                                 8  Look at the picture. Describe what is
                                                                    happening. Write the description in your
         4  Find have to and don’t have to in the                   notebook.
             dialogues on p. 16.

         5     10   Listen to the recording. Choose the
             correct reaction for each situation. You will
             hear the recording twice. Be careful! There is
             one additional answer.

             A  Just a moment.
               B  Could you speak up?
               C  Can I take a message?
               D  Thanks for calling. Bye
               E  Bless you!

           Play with Sounds                                                  Forms Explorer

                                                                   Opis obrazka
                                                                   •  Opisując obrazek i tworząc historyjkę, aby uniknąć
          6    11   Practise the correct tone and                     chaosu,  ustal  porządek  podawania  informacji  –
              intonation for questions and answers.                   np. zacznij od tego, co dzieje się na pierwszym planie.
              Listen and repeat.                                   •  Tworząc opis, staraj się łączyć zdania pojedyncze
                                                                      w złożone za pomocą spójników: and, or, but,
              Q:  Can I speak to Ted, please?                         because.
              A:   Just a minute. I’ll put him on. / I’m sorry,
                 but he’s not here at the moment.
              Q:  How are you?                                    It's a classroom. There are some
              A:  I’m fine. / I’m not at all fine.                students in it but...

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